April 14, 2009

Maintaining A Good Organizational Culture

The word used to describe all the employees in terms of their background, strengths, weaknesses, education, psychology, attitudes, beliefs, values, and experiences in life is organizational culture.

Other management experts assert that this term has a different meaning from corporate culture, which refers to the characteristics in total, that make an enterprise unique.

It represents the internal ethical standards and also the kind of leadership role such a company has.

Seniors can implement it in form of standards of behavior aligned with the overall organizational goals and impose them on the subordinates.

Maintaining a good organization culture or environment for your employees is very important as it is to the external publics.

Employees contribute a lot to this almost as chief executive managers do through their role in leadership and their actions.

Many companies include this in their recruitment strategy to only make sure that their potential candidates expected to fill the vacant positions can culturally fit in their organizations.

It is not easy to ascertain if a particular candidate can match the organizational culture but in a way or two, recruiters know when they have found the right person for the job.

Whether a company culture is strong or weak starts from within and more specifically from what the employees and other internal groups gossip about it.

The employees are well motivated to operate as per the set standard when they feel that a strong and positive organizational culture exists.

When it is weak, they may respond aggressively to instigate action from the top management and at the same time tarnish the organizational image to the external public.

At times the internal public may not assertively push for alternative actions even when there is an apparent need to alter management thinking.

This could be because the organization climate is in such a way that parties should not be involved in any actions or talks that would bring conflicts or when there is a key compelling person whose thinking can never be challenged.

When the internal publics lack confidence with the organizational culture, even the external ones will in one way or another behave similarly.

When bad news are shared with the outsiders, and spread far and wide, the overall performance of such a company is negatively affected, if the society, being the key source of resources is not satisfied.

The human resources wishing to be part of it now and in the future may change their minds for it then would not guarantee working with nice people, a kind atmosphere, reasonable reviews and so on.

Carrying out an evaluation of the current organization culture is something that managers should do.

The results of the assessment may be positive and encouraging or simply disappointing.

All they need to acknowledge is that they could never start creating a strong culture without first seeking to understand that they have a problem to solve.

If every new employee who becomes a part of a given organization were to be allowed to interact, act or think as they please, the end results would be a division not a union.

This is why seniors come up with company sets of standards of behavior to guide the subordinates, but the problems come in when they do it on their own.

Involving the subordinates in such decisions to bring about the radical or minor adjustments in the current organizational culture is the way forward.

Article by Esteri Maina

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