May 11, 2007

Selecting The Games for Training

Trainers have long believed in the adage "live and learn." Not surprisingly, they always known that experience is often the best teacher. Experiential learning in the form of trainer-conducted games is frequently more effective than traditional classroom methods in increasing learning and retention. research shows that adults learn more effectively by doing-by using their new knowledge and skills-than by passively listening or reading.

Games frequently pros ide the basis for successful training programs. They aid in program preparation, instruction, and evaluation. Their strongest feature is the element of fun that relaxes, motivates, and involves every participant from the outset, making learning enjoyable and productive. Games also use the five basic senses, particularly sight, sound, and touch, making for a more comprehensive and effetive learning experience.

Strictly speaking. games are competitive activities gos erned by rules that define players’ actions and determine outcomes. For the purposes of this discussion, we will employ a broad definition of games that includes the formalized, competitive activities and various exercises, activities, or demonstrations (also known a structured experiences or participative group exercises).

Other experiential exercises, such as simulation, role play, and simulation games. These exercises represent a number of either very simple or extremely sophisticated and complex activities. Role play and simulation exercises use real—life situations and applications. Simulation games are both reality based and competitive.

Simple games appeal to a large number of trainers for the following reasons:

Game components can be interchanged easily to create a new focus or an entirely new game, and many different versions of a game can he built on one model.

Cost Effectiveness
Resource materials for these games are easy to produce and obtain. Some games require no materials at all, and most games involve little more than paper and pencils, which every training budget can afford.

Transfer of Learning
Learning proceeds from group interaction, with the instructor serving as a guide or resource rather than a detached lecturer or presenter. The instructor facilitates the learning and is an active integral part of the training process.

Effective games can have significant impact on your audience. They can sharpen your training session so that your group will comprehend the materials on several levels—cognitive, affective, and empathetic. Such meaningful experiences will increase participation and learning. To accomplish this, be sure to carry out each phase of the game properly and completely.

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